Welcome to PyIntelOwl’s documentation!

Robust Python SDK and Command Line Client for interacting with IntelOwl API.


$ pip install pyintelowl

Usage as CLI

On successful installation, The pyintelowl entryscript should be directly invokable. For example,

 $ pyintelowl
 Usage: pyintelowl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 -d, --debug  Set log level to DEBUG
 --version    Show the version and exit.
 -h, --help   Show this message and exit.

 analyse              Send new analysis request
 config               Set or view config variables
 get-analyzer-config  Get current state of `analyzer_config.json` from the...
 jobs                 Manage Jobs
 tags                 Manage tags


You can use set to set the config variables and get to view them.

$ pyintelowl config set -k 4bf03f20add626e7138f4023e4cf52b8 -u "http://localhost:80"
$ pyintelowl config get


The CLI would is well-documented which will help you navigate various commands easily. Invoke pyintelowl -h or pyintelowl <command> -h to get help.

Usage as SDK/library

 1 from pyintelowl import IntelOwl, IntelOwlClientException
 2 obj = IntelOwl(
 3    "4bf03f20add626e7138f4023e4cf52b8",
 4    "http://localhost:80",
 5    None,
 6 )
 7 """
 8 obj = IntelOwl(
 9    "<your_api_key>",
10    "<your_intelowl_instance_url>",
11    "optional<path_to_pem_file>"
12 )
13 """
15 try:
16    ans = obj.get_analyzer_configs(1)
17    print(ans)
18 except IntelOwlClientException as e:
19    print("Oh no! Error: ", e)


We very much recommend going through the pyintelowl.pyintelowl.IntelOwl docs.

API Client Docs

Indices and tables