Source code for pyintelowl.pyintelowl

import hashlib
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import requests
from typing_extensions import Literal

from pyintelowl.version import __version__

from .exceptions import IntelOwlClientException

TLPType = Literal["WHITE", "GREEN", "AMBER", "RED", "CLEAR"]

[docs]class IntelOwl: logger: logging.Logger def __init__( self, token: str, instance_url: str, certificate: str = None, proxies: dict = None, logger: logging.Logger = None, cli: bool = False, ): self.token = token self.instance = instance_url self.certificate = certificate if logger: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if proxies and not isinstance(proxies, dict): raise TypeError("proxies param must be a dictionary") self.proxies = proxies self.cli = cli @property def session(self) -> requests.Session: """ Internal use only. """ if not hasattr(self, "_session"): session = requests.Session() if self.certificate is not True: session.verify = self.certificate if self.proxies: session.proxies = self.proxies session.headers.update( { "Authorization": f"Token {self.token}", "User-Agent": f"PyIntelOwl/{__version__}", } ) self._session = session return self._session def __make_request( self, method: Literal["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"] = "GET", *args, **kwargs, ) -> requests.Response: """ For internal use only. """ response: requests.Response = None requests_function_map: Dict[str, Callable] = { "GET": self.session.get, "POST":, "PUT": self.session.put, "PATCH": self.session.patch, "DELETE": self.session.delete, } func = requests_function_map.get(method, None) if not func: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported method name: {method}") try: response = func(*args, **kwargs) self.logger.debug( msg=(response.url, response.status_code, response.content) ) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise IntelOwlClientException(e, response=response) return response
[docs] def ask_analysis_availability( self, md5: str, analyzers: List[str] = None, check_reported_analysis_too: bool = False, minutes_ago: int = None, ) -> Dict: """Search for already available analysis.\n Endpoint: ``/api/ask_analysis_availability`` Args: md5 (str): md5sum of the observable or file analyzers (List[str], optional): list of analyzers to trigger. Defaults to `None` meaning automatically select all configured analyzers. check_reported_analysis_too (bool, optional): Check against all existing jobs. Defaults to ``False``. minutes_ago (int, optional): number of minutes to check back for analysis. Default is None so the check does not have any time limits. Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Dict: JSON body """ if not analyzers: analyzers = [] data = {"md5": md5, "analyzers": analyzers} if not check_reported_analysis_too: data["running_only"] = True if minutes_ago: data["minutes_ago"] = int(minutes_ago) url = self.instance + "/api/ask_analysis_availability" response = self.__make_request("POST", url=url, data=data) answer = response.json() status, job_id = answer.get("status", None), answer.get("job_id", None) # check sanity cases if not status: raise IntelOwlClientException( "API ask_analysis_availability gave result without status ?" f" Response: {answer}" ) if status != "not_available" and not job_id: raise IntelOwlClientException( "API ask_analysis_availability gave result without job_id ?" f" Response: {answer}" ) return answer
[docs] def send_file_analysis_request( self, filename: str, binary: bytes, tlp: TLPType = None, analyzers_requested: List[str] = None, connectors_requested: List[str] = None, runtime_configuration: Dict = None, tags_labels: List[str] = None, ) -> Dict: """Send analysis request for a file.\n Endpoint: ``/api/analyze_file`` Args: filename (str): Filename binary (bytes): File contents as bytes analyzers_requested (List[str], optional): List of analyzers to invoke Defaults to ``[]`` i.e. all analyzers. connectors_requested (List[str], optional): List of specific connectors to invoke. Defaults to ``[]`` i.e. all connectors. tlp (str, optional): TLP for the analysis. (options: ``WHITE, GREEN, AMBER, RED``). Defaults to ``WHITE``. runtime_configuration (Dict, optional): Overwrite configuration for analyzers. Defaults to ``{}``. tags_labels (List[str], optional): List of tag labels to assign (creates non-existing tags) Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Dict: JSON body """ try: if not tlp: tlp = "WHITE" if not analyzers_requested: analyzers_requested = [] if not connectors_requested: connectors_requested = [] if not tags_labels: tags_labels = [] if not runtime_configuration: runtime_configuration = {} data = { "file_name": filename, "analyzers_requested": analyzers_requested, "connectors_requested": connectors_requested, "tlp": tlp, "tags_labels": tags_labels, } if runtime_configuration: data["runtime_configuration"] = json.dumps(runtime_configuration) files = {"file": (filename, binary)} answer = self.__send_analysis_request(data=data, files=files) except Exception as e: raise IntelOwlClientException(e) return answer
[docs] def send_file_analysis_playbook_request( self, filename: str, binary: bytes, tlp: TLPType = None, playbooks_requested: List[str] = None, runtime_configuration: Dict = None, tags_labels: List[str] = None, ) -> Dict: """Send playbook analysis request for a file.\n Endpoint: ``/api/playbook/analyze_multiple_files`` Args: filename (str): Filename binary (bytes): File contents as bytes playbooks_requested (List[str], optional): List of specific playbooks to invoke. Defaults to ``[]`` i.e. all playbooks. tlp (str, optional): TLP for the analysis. (options: ``WHITE, GREEN, AMBER, RED``). Defaults to ``WHITE``. runtime_configuration (Dict, optional): Overwrite configuration for analyzers. Defaults to ``{}``. tags_labels (List[str], optional): List of tag labels to assign (creates non-existing tags) Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Dict: JSON body """ try: if not tlp: tlp = "WHITE" if not playbooks_requested: playbooks_requested = [] if not tags_labels: tags_labels = [] if not runtime_configuration: runtime_configuration = {} data = { "playbooks_requested": playbooks_requested, "tlp": tlp, "tags_labels": tags_labels, } if runtime_configuration: data["runtime_configuration"] = json.dumps(runtime_configuration) # `files` is wanted to be different from the other # /api/analyze_file endpoint # because the server is using different serializers files = {"files": (filename, binary)} answer = self.__send_analysis_request( data=data, files=files, playbook_mode=True ) except Exception as e: raise IntelOwlClientException(e) return answer
[docs] def send_observable_analysis_request( self, observable_name: str, tlp: TLPType = None, analyzers_requested: List[str] = None, connectors_requested: List[str] = None, runtime_configuration: Dict = None, tags_labels: List[str] = None, observable_classification: str = None, ) -> Dict: """Send analysis request for an observable.\n Endpoint: ``/api/analyze_observable`` Args: observable_name (str): Observable value analyzers_requested (List[str], optional): List of analyzers to invoke Defaults to ``[]`` i.e. all analyzers. connectors_requested (List[str], optional): List of specific connectors to invoke. Defaults to ``[]`` i.e. all connectors. tlp (str, optional): TLP for the analysis. (options: ``WHITE, GREEN, AMBER, RED``). Defaults to ``WHITE``. runtime_configuration (Dict, optional): Overwrite configuration for analyzers. Defaults to ``{}``. tags_labels (List[str], optional): List of tag labels to assign (creates non-existing tags) observable_classification (str): Observable classification, Default to None. By default launch analysis with an automatic classification. (options: ``url, domain, hash, ip, generic``) Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error IntelOwlClientException: on wrong observable_classification Returns: Dict: JSON body """ try: if not tlp: tlp = "WHITE" if not analyzers_requested: analyzers_requested = [] if not connectors_requested: connectors_requested = [] if not tags_labels: tags_labels = [] if not runtime_configuration: runtime_configuration = {} if not observable_classification: observable_classification = self._get_observable_classification( observable_name ) elif observable_classification not in [ "generic", "hash", "ip", "domain", "url", ]: raise IntelOwlClientException( "Observable classification only handle" " 'generic', 'hash', 'ip', 'domain' and 'url' " ) data = { "observable_name": observable_name, "observable_classification": observable_classification, "analyzers_requested": analyzers_requested, "connectors_requested": connectors_requested, "tlp": tlp, "tags_labels": tags_labels, "runtime_configuration": runtime_configuration, } answer = self.__send_analysis_request(data=data, files=None) except Exception as e: raise IntelOwlClientException(e) return answer
[docs] def send_observable_analysis_playbook_request( self, observable_name: str, tlp: TLPType = None, playbooks_requested: List[str] = None, runtime_configuration: Dict = None, tags_labels: List[str] = None, observable_classification: str = None, ) -> Dict: """Send playbook analysis request for an observable.\n Endpoint: ``/api/playbook/analyze_multiple_observables`` Args: observable_name (str): Observable value playbooks_requested (List[str], optional): List of specific playbooks to invoke. Defaults to ``[]`` i.e. all playbooks. tlp (str, optional): TLP for the analysis. (options: ``WHITE, GREEN, AMBER, RED``). Defaults to ``WHITE``. runtime_configuration (Dict, optional): Overwrite configuration for analyzers. Defaults to ``{}``. tags_labels (List[str], optional): List of tag labels to assign (creates non-existing tags) observable_classification (str): Observable classification, Default to None. By default launch analysis with an automatic classification. (options: ``url, domain, hash, ip, generic``) Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error IntelOwlClientException: on wrong observable_classification Returns: Dict: JSON body """ try: if not tlp: tlp = "WHITE" if not playbooks_requested: playbooks_requested = [] if not tags_labels: tags_labels = [] if not runtime_configuration: runtime_configuration = {} if not observable_classification: observable_classification = self._get_observable_classification( observable_name ) elif observable_classification not in [ "generic", "hash", "ip", "domain", "url", ]: raise IntelOwlClientException( "Observable classification only handle" " 'generic', 'hash', 'ip', 'domain' and 'url' " ) data = { "observables": [[observable_classification, observable_name]], "playbooks_requested": playbooks_requested, "tlp": tlp, "tags_labels": tags_labels, "runtime_configuration": runtime_configuration, } answer = self.__send_analysis_request( data=data, files=None, playbook_mode=True ) except Exception as e: raise IntelOwlClientException(e) return answer
[docs] def send_analysis_batch(self, rows: List[Dict]): """ Send multiple analysis requests. Can be mix of observable or file analysis requests. Used by the pyintelowl CLI. Args: rows (List[Dict]): Each row should be a dictionary with keys, `value`, `type`, `check`, `tlp`, `analyzers_list`, `connectors_list`, `runtime_config` `tags_list`. """ for obj in rows: try: runtime_config = obj.get("runtime_config", {}) if runtime_config: with open(runtime_config) as fp: runtime_config = json.load(fp) analyzers_list = obj.get("analyzers_list", []) connectors_list = obj.get("connectors_list", []) if isinstance(analyzers_list, str): analyzers_list = analyzers_list.split(",") if isinstance(connectors_list, str): connectors_list = connectors_list.split(",") self._new_analysis_cli( obj["value"], obj["type"], obj.get("check", None), obj.get("tlp", "WHITE"), analyzers_list, connectors_list, runtime_config, obj.get("tags_list", []), obj.get("should_poll", False), ) except IntelOwlClientException as e: self.logger.fatal(str(e))
def __send_analysis_request(self, data=None, files=None, playbook_mode=False): """ Internal use only. """ response = None answer = {} if files is None: url = self.instance + "/api/analyze_observable" if playbook_mode: url = self.instance + "/api/playbook/analyze_multiple_observables" args = {"json": data} else: url = self.instance + "/api/analyze_file" if playbook_mode: url = self.instance + "/api/playbook/analyze_multiple_files" args = {"data": data, "files": files} try: response =, **args) self.logger.debug( msg={ "url": response.url, "code": response.status_code, "headers": response.headers, "body": response.json(), } ) answer = response.json() if playbook_mode: # right now, we are only supporting single input result answers = answer.get("results", []) if answers: answer = answers[0] warnings = answer.get("warnings", []) errors = answer.get("errors", {}) if self.cli: info_log = f"""New Job running.. ID: {answer.get('job_id')} | Status: [u blue]{answer.get('status')}[/]. Got {len(warnings)} warnings: [i yellow]{warnings if warnings else None}[/] Got {len(errors)} errors: [i red]{errors if errors else None}[/] """ else: info_log = ( f"New Job running.. ID: {answer.get('job_id')} " f"| Status: {answer.get('status')}." f" Got {len(warnings)} warnings:" f" {warnings if warnings else None}" f" Got {len(errors)} errors:" f" {errors if errors else None}" ) response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise IntelOwlClientException(e, response=response) return answer
[docs] def create_tag(self, label: str, color: str): """Creates new tag by sending a POST Request Endpoint: ``/api/tags`` Args: label ([str]): [Label of the tag to be created] color ([str]): [Color of the tag to be created] """ url = self.instance + "/api/tags" data = {"label": label, "color": color} response = self.__make_request("POST", url=url, data=data) return response.json()
[docs] def edit_tag(self, tag_id: Union[int, str], label: str, color: str): """Edits existing tag by sending PUT request Endpoint: ``api/tags`` Args: id ([int]): [Id of the existing tag] label ([str]): [Label of the tag to be created] color ([str]): [Color of the tag to be created] """ url = self.instance + "/api/tags/" + str(tag_id) data = {"label": label, "color": color} response = self.__make_request("PUT", url=url, data=data) return response.json()
[docs] def get_analyzer_configs(self): """ Get current state of `analyzer_config.json` from the IntelOwl instance.\n Endpoint: ``/api/get_analyzer_configs`` """ url = self.instance + "/api/get_analyzer_configs" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] def get_connector_configs(self): """ Get current state of `connector_config.json` from the IntelOwl instance.\n Endpoint: ``/api/get_connector_configs`` """ url = self.instance + "/api/get_connector_configs" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] def get_playbook_configs(self): """ Get current state of `playbook_config.json` from the IntelOwl instance.\n Endpoint: ``/api/get_playbook_configs`` """ url = self.instance + "/api/get_playbook_configs" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] def get_all_tags(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Fetch list of all tags.\n Endpoint: ``/api/tags`` Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: List[Dict[str, str]]: List of tags """ url = self.instance + "/api/tags" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] def get_all_jobs(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Fetch list of all jobs.\n Endpoint: ``/api/jobs`` Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Dict: Dict with 3 keys: "count", "total_pages", "results" """ url = self.instance + "/api/jobs" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] def get_tag_by_id(self, tag_id: Union[int, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Fetch tag info by ID.\n Endpoint: ``/api/tag/{tag_id}`` Args: tag_id (Union[int, str]): Tag ID Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Dict[str, str]: Dict with 3 keys: `id`, `label` and `color`. """ url = self.instance + "/api/tags/" + str(tag_id) response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] def get_job_by_id(self, job_id: Union[int, str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Fetch job info by ID. Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}`` Args: job_id (Union[int, str]): Job ID Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Dict[str, Any]: JSON body. """ url = self.instance + "/api/jobs/" + str(job_id) response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_md5( to_hash: AnyStr, type_="observable", ) -> str: """Returns md5sum of given observable or file object. Args: to_hash (AnyStr): either an observable string, file contents as bytes or path to a file type_ (Union["observable", "binary", "file"], optional): `observable`, `binary`, `file`. Defaults to "observable". Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: str: md5sum """ md5 = "" if type_ == "observable": md5 = hashlib.md5(str(to_hash).lower().encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() elif type_ == "binary": md5 = hashlib.md5(to_hash).hexdigest() elif type_ == "file": path = pathlib.Path(to_hash) if not path.exists(): raise IntelOwlClientException(f"{to_hash} does not exists") binary = path.read_bytes() md5 = hashlib.md5(binary).hexdigest() return md5
def _new_analysis_cli( self, obj: str, type_: str, check, tlp: TLPType = "CLEAR", analyzers_list: List[str] = None, connectors_list: List[str] = None, runtime_configuration: Dict = None, tags_labels: List[str] = None, should_poll: bool = False, minutes_ago: int = None, ) -> None: """ For internal use by the pyintelowl CLI. """ if not analyzers_list: analyzers_list = [] if not connectors_list: connectors_list = [] if not runtime_configuration: runtime_configuration = {} if not tags_labels: tags_labels = [] f"""Requesting analysis.. {type_}: [blue]{obj}[/] analyzers: [i green]{analyzers_list if analyzers_list else 'all'}[/] connectors: [i green]{connectors_list if connectors_list else 'all'}[/] tags: [i green]{tags_labels}[/] """ ) # 1st step: ask analysis availability if check != "force-new": md5 = self.get_md5(obj, type_=type_) resp = self.ask_analysis_availability( md5, analyzers_list, True if check == "reported" else False, minutes_ago, ) status, job_id = resp.get("status", None), resp.get("job_id", None) if status != "not_available": f"""Found existing analysis! Job: #{job_id} status: [u blue]{status}[/] [i]Hint: use [#854442]--check force-new[/] to perform new scan anyway[/] """ ) return # 2nd step: send new analysis request if type_ == "observable": resp2 = self.send_observable_analysis_request( observable_name=obj, tlp=tlp, analyzers_requested=analyzers_list, connectors_requested=connectors_list, runtime_configuration=runtime_configuration, tags_labels=tags_labels, ) else: path = pathlib.Path(obj) resp2 = self.send_file_analysis_request(, binary=path.read_bytes(), tlp=tlp, analyzers_requested=analyzers_list, connectors_requested=connectors_list, runtime_configuration=runtime_configuration, tags_labels=tags_labels, ) # 3rd step: poll for result if should_poll: if resp2["status"] != "accepted": self.logger.fatal("Can't poll a failed job") # import poll function from .cli._jobs_utils import _poll_for_job_cli job_id = resp2["job_id"] _ = _poll_for_job_cli(self, job_id) f""" Polling finished. Execute [i blue]pyintelowl jobs view {job_id}[/] to view the result """ ) def _new_analysis_playbook_cli( self, obj: str, type_: str, check, tlp: TLPType = "CLEAR", playbooks_list: List[str] = None, runtime_configuration: Dict = None, tags_labels: List[str] = None, should_poll: bool = False, minutes_ago: int = None, ) -> None: """ For internal use by the pyintelowl CLI. """ if not playbooks_list: playbooks_list = [] if not runtime_configuration: runtime_configuration = {} if not tags_labels: tags_labels = [] if len(playbooks_list) == 0: print(("No Playbooks selected!\n")) return f"""Requesting analysis.. {type_}: [blue]{obj}[/] playbooks: [i green]{playbooks_list}[/] tags: [i green]{tags_labels}[/] """ ) # 1st step, make request if type_ == "observable": resp = self.send_observable_analysis_playbook_request( observable_name=obj, tlp=tlp, playbooks_requested=playbooks_list, runtime_configuration=runtime_configuration, tags_labels=tags_labels, ) else: path = pathlib.Path(obj) resp = self.send_file_analysis_playbook_request(, binary=path.read_bytes(), tlp=tlp, playbooks_requested=playbooks_list, runtime_configuration=runtime_configuration, tags_labels=tags_labels, ) # 2nd step: poll for result if should_poll: if resp.get("status", "") != "accepted": self.logger.fatal("Can't poll a failed job") # import poll function from .cli._jobs_utils import _poll_for_job_cli job_id = resp.get("job_id", 0) _ = _poll_for_job_cli(self, job_id) f""" Polling finished. Execute [i blue]pyintelowl jobs view {job_id}[/] to view the result """ ) def _get_observable_classification(self, value: str) -> str: """Returns observable classification for the given value.\n Only following types are supported: ip, domain, url, hash (md5, sha1, sha256), generic (if no match) Args: value (str): observable value Raises: IntelOwlClientException: if value type is not recognized Returns: str: one of `ip`, `url`, `domain`, `hash` or 'generic'. """ try: ipaddress.ip_address(value) except ValueError: if re.match( r"^(?:htt|ft|tc)ps?://[a-z\d-]{1,63}(?:\.[a-z\d-]{1,63})+" r"(?:/[a-z\d-]{1,63})*(?:\.\w+)?", value, ): classification = "url" elif re.match(r"^(\.)?[a-z\d-]{1,63}(\.[a-z\d-]{1,63})+$", value): classification = "domain" elif ( re.match(r"^[a-f\d]{32}$", value) or re.match(r"^[a-f\d]{40}$", value) or re.match(r"^[a-f\d]{64}$", value) or re.match(r"^[A-F\d]{32}$", value) or re.match(r"^[A-F\d]{40}$", value) or re.match(r"^[A-F\d]{64}$", value) ): classification = "hash" else: classification = "generic" self.logger.warning( "Couldn't detect observable classification, setting as 'generic'..." ) else: # its a simple IP classification = "ip" return classification
[docs] def download_sample(self, job_id: int) -> bytes: """ Download file sample from job.\n Method: GET Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}/download_sample`` Args: job_id (int): id of job to download sample from Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bytes: Raw file data. """ url = self.instance + f"/api/jobs/{job_id}/download_sample" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.content
[docs] def kill_running_job(self, job_id: int) -> bool: """Send kill_running_job request.\n Method: PATCH Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}/kill`` Args: job_id (int): id of job to kill Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: killed or not """ url = self.instance + f"/api/jobs/{job_id}/kill" response = self.__make_request("PATCH", url=url) killed = response.status_code == 204 return killed
[docs] def delete_job_by_id(self, job_id: int) -> bool: """Send delete job request.\n Method: DELETE Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}`` Args: job_id (int): id of job to kill Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: deleted or not """ url = self.instance + "/api/jobs/" + str(job_id) response = self.__make_request("DELETE", url=url) deleted = response.status_code == 204 return deleted
[docs] def delete_tag_by_id(self, tag_id: int) -> bool: """Send delete tag request.\n Method: DELETE Endpoint: ``/api/tags/{tag_id}`` Args: tag_id (int): id of tag to delete Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: deleted or not """ url = self.instance + "/api/tags/" + str(tag_id) response = self.__make_request("DELETE", url=url) deleted = response.status_code == 204 return deleted
def __run_plugin_action( self, job_id: int, plugin_type: str, plugin_name: str, plugin_action: str ) -> bool: """Internal method for kill/retry for analyzer/connector""" response = None url = ( self.instance + f"/api/jobs/{job_id}/{plugin_type}/{plugin_name}/{plugin_action}" ) response = self.__make_request("PATCH", url=url) success = response.status_code == 204 return success
[docs] def kill_analyzer(self, job_id: int, analyzer_name: str) -> bool: """Send kill running/pending analyzer request.\n Method: PATCH Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}/analyzer/{analyzer_name}/kill`` Args: job_id (int): id of job analyzer_name (str): name of analyzer to kill Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: killed or not """ killed = self.__run_plugin_action( job_id=job_id, plugin_name=analyzer_name, plugin_type="analyzer", plugin_action="kill", ) return killed
[docs] def kill_connector(self, job_id: int, connector_name: str) -> bool: """Send kill running/pending connector request.\n Method: PATCH Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}/connector/{connector_name}/kill`` Args: job_id (int): id of job connector_name (str): name of connector to kill Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: killed or not """ killed = self.__run_plugin_action( job_id=job_id, plugin_name=connector_name, plugin_type="connector", plugin_action="kill", ) return killed
[docs] def retry_analyzer(self, job_id: int, analyzer_name: str) -> bool: """Send retry failed/killed analyzer request.\n Method: PATCH Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}/analyzer/{analyzer_name}/retry`` Args: job_id (int): id of job analyzer_name (str): name of analyzer to retry Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: success or not """ success = self.__run_plugin_action( job_id=job_id, plugin_name=analyzer_name, plugin_type="analyzer", plugin_action="retry", ) return success
[docs] def retry_connector(self, job_id: int, connector_name: str) -> bool: """Send retry failed/killed connector request.\n Method: PATCH Endpoint: ``/api/jobs/{job_id}/connector/{connector_name}/retry`` Args: job_id (int): id of job connector_name (str): name of connector to retry Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: success or not """ success = self.__run_plugin_action( job_id=job_id, plugin_name=connector_name, plugin_type="connector", plugin_action="retry", ) return success
[docs] def analyzer_healthcheck(self, analyzer_name: str) -> Optional[bool]: """Send analyzer(docker-based) health check request.\n Method: GET Endpoint: ``/api/analyzer/{analyzer_name}/healthcheck`` Args: analyzer_name (str): name of analyzer Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: success or not """ url = self.instance + f"/api/analyzer/{analyzer_name}/healthcheck" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json().get("status", None)
[docs] def connector_healthcheck(self, connector_name: str) -> Optional[bool]: """Send connector health check request.\n Method: GET Endpoint: ``/api/connector/{connector_name}/healthcheck`` Args: connector_name (str): name of connector Raises: IntelOwlClientException: on client/HTTP error Returns: Bool: success or not """ url = self.instance + f"/api/connector/{connector_name}/healthcheck" response = self.__make_request("GET", url=url) return response.json().get("status", None)